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Arenal Místico Park

  • #Arenal Horseback riding
  • #Arenal Místico Park
  • #Arenal Hanging Bridges

Arenal Místico Park
Arenal Místico Park Arenal Místico Park, reserve here and get 10 percent discount.

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Arenal Místico Park Arenal Místico Park, reserve here and get 10 percent discount.

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· The walk in The Hanging Bridges is a revitalizing route through trails, all of them surrounded by an immense tropical forest, where you can walk three kilometers, breathing the purest air of the forest through 6 Hanging Bridges, a hummingbird garden and even a Waterfall called Blue Morpho. Approximate duration 2.hrs This tour is suitable for all audiences. We have electric carts for people in need of support, and an accessible short route option for the transit of the 1.5 km carts, which crosses a Suspension Bridge. Trolley rental value: $ 12 We also have cars to carry babies up to 20kg, and suitable for transit within the trail. Car rental value for babies: $ 8 ·

Paco 's Horses combine the adventure of riding through the park trails with direct contact with the richness of the tropical forest. Where you will appreciate the density of the forest and access to the pastures located on the highest hills of the park from where you will have an impressive view of the Arenal Volcano and the lake. Approximate duration 1.3hrs

Tour Adult Price Senior Price Teens Price Children Price
Hanging Bridges walk $26 usd +VAT $21 usd + VAT $16 usd + VAT Free maximum 2 per adult
Horseback Riding $55 usd +VAT $55 usd +VAT $55 usd +VAT $55 usd +VAT 

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